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Whatlanguageisthat "What language is that?"

The article below is based on non-localized content only available in French. As such, all information in this article is based on fan-contributed translations.

"Coin-Coin XP" (translation: Quack-Quack XP) is a series of one minute webisodes where Stumpy does experiments on Quack-Quack and comes up with bizarre conclusions.


List of Shorts[]

  1. Expérience 18: Manger un yaourt intergalactique
  2. Expérience 76: Combien de yaourts Coin-Coin peut-il avaler?
  3. Expérience 31: Sauver Eugly
  4. Expérience 84: Ne pas cligner des yeux
  5. Expérience 63: La vitesse de Coin-Coin
  6. Expérience 09: Les yeux lumières
  7. Expérience 172: La punition écrite
  8. Expérience 49: Le réchauffement climatique


The official Facebook page explicitly stated that neither Kaeloo nor Mr. Cat would appear in this webseries.
